Antonio Punzi
Antonio Punzi
Rome, 1965. Graduate in both law and philosophy. Lawyer
Current position:
Oct 2020 – present: Head of Department of Law at LUISS University of Rome
2019 – present: Rector’s Delegate for Disability at LUISS University of Rome
2009 – present: Full professor in “Legal Theory” (12 H3) at the Department of Law, LUISS University of Rome
2018 – present: Commitee Member of the LLM International Programs for the Department of Law at LUISS University of Rome
2011 – present: Professor of “Media Law” at the Department of Law, LUISS University of Rome
2013 – present: General editor of the “Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del diritto”
Awards and honors:
2019-2023: LUISS University, acknowledgement of funding: “Rewards for teaching, research and third mission”.
2010: awarded for the book “Dialogica del diritto”, listed in the top 10 books of the years by “Il Club dei giuristi”
2004: awarded for the book “L’ordine giuridico delle macchine”, listed in the top 10 books of the years by “Il Club dei giuristi”